We have received some great support from a lot of people, especially those who have contracted with us for home care and made donations already. Capital Homecare Cooperative needs help from you now.
Starting a home agency takes a lot of work especially when the people starting are the caregivers. Caregivers don’t make a lot in the industry (which is why we decided to start this co-operative) and that makes covering the start-up costs difficult.
We hope that you can help us.
Help through Direct Action
There are two direct ways to help Capital Homecare Co-op thrive:
- Hire Us! We have nine home care providers on staff. If you or someone you know needs home care, call our office at 360-888-6175 or email admin@capitalhomecare.coop. You can find our services and rates here.
- Donate! It isn’t tax-deductible, but a donation to us either by check or on-line at Go Fund Me will go a long way towards helping us cover start up costs.
Help Through Indirect Action
- Share this post
- Tell your friends about Capital Homecare Co-op
- Share our Go Fund Me campaign to your social networks.
- Follow us on Facebook at capitalhomecarecoop.
- If you have used our services, consider a review on yelp!
Co-ops are about creating communities. If you are reading this, then you are part of our community. We hope that you can lend a hand.